The human face of climate change

Our goal is to jointly ensure a better future for those who are forced to leave their places of residence as a result of climate change, as well as for today’s young people who may face the most serious consequences of the climate crisis when they grow up.

We had the honor of spreading this noble project in 7 schools.

During the project, we talk to young people about what they think about climate change, and how much they feel it on their skin. Do they think how many people this is a problem in their lives? If they know, do they have an idea of the extent to which people’s lives are affected by climate change?

During our sessions, we try to introduce the topics in such a way that they reach their goal without any difficulty and get the most out of the participants.

You can find more information about the international background here:

As the first part of the project, we dealt with young people with a foreign background in Hungary within the framework of the afternoons creating common trash on the two more pleasant afternoons of the summer in July and August 2022.


If you want to dig into the topic, we recommend that you start with these links!




